Our flight to Jeju was great; aside from the rough landing. Jeju is absolutely beautiful! It's so warm and tropical with palm trees and great fruit! Our mission for our 3 day vacation was to make our way aroun
d the entire island and see as much of it as we could. 

There was a lot of seafood that we weren't so keen on and we had a pretty hilarious experience (although not so hilarious at the time!) at one restaurant we went to. We thought we were getting pretty good at Korean when it comes to ordering food. We sat down at this restaurant and ordered Korean barbq, but the waitress came back with pork that had flesh and black pig hair still on it! We were horrified, but apparently it's a delicacy in Jeju. When it came to paying for the meal, we were told it cost $27! Normally Korean barbq costs around $10. Blake stood there holding his open wallet with a dumbfounded look on his face. I thought he was going to have a temper tantrum right there in the restaurant. Fortunately there was a Baskin Robbins nearby where we could get some good ice cream. Blake saved some money by ordering us 1 big bowl of ice cream instead of two small bowls and was able to save some money. For those who know Blake, swinging any sort of deal makes him happy and he was partly appeased about the expensive, uneaten, hairy pig! Here's a picture of it!

We found some really cute little motels to stay in while we were there that cost about $30 a night. One of the highlights for us was to get up early one morning and climb a mountain to watch the sun rise. It was so neat that we were some of the first people to see the sun that morning. Absolutely breathtaking- God of wonders!
We bought some Jeju cactus chocolate to share with anyone who is interested in coming to visit us!