For someone half a world away, I feel so blessed and loved by those back home. I can't imagine how different it would feel to be here in Korea without facebook, email and skype! Yesterday was my birthday and I just couldn't resist the opportunity to share a picture from a birthday card I received.

My nickname from Tim is punkin.' Thanks Timmy!
Blake was also really sweet in trying to make my birthday special. He got up early and brought back these to surprise me. What more could a girl ask for?!

Our friends here in Korea had a gathering to celebrate- actually we celebrate every Sunday for no reason at all, but this Sunday we celebrated 2 birthdays. Mine and our friend Daniel's. (who I've been meaning to do a post about....I'll get on that in the near future!) This Sunday we went out to a restaurant called Tres Lore (I don't think the spelling is right).'s a fabulous restaurant where you get soup, salad, bread, your meal (spaghetti) and unlimited dessert all for the price of....drum roll...$8! Blake is in his glory! I think he ordered 4 smoothies. Yes, needless to say...this man of mine is going to have some tough adjusting to do when we come home. We took a few pictures of the gathering.

Finally a picture of Beth and me! Beth is the one who reminds me of my mom.

Would you believe they're having fun?!

Take 2- The boys above just wouldn't cooperate for a good photo! Blake is actually mimicking what some of the Korean girls do for photos.

Blake and Daniel trying to concentrate on getting a good shot. Not easy!

(Daniel is the unphotogenic birthday boy on the right- I think the second photo was take 27 or something).
This next photo was not Sunday, but a shot of some of the special friends we've made while being here. Someone said that our meat cooker should have some of the meat because he looks too skinny.

In other news...I have been sick for a week now and have been diagnosed with laryngitis. Not so great for someone who uses her voice for work! I've been trying to take it easy with my voice so I don't grow nodes on my vocal chords-whatever that means. The doctor's office was quite the experience- she checked my nose and throat out and then made me sit with this humidifier shooting water up my nose. Then she put a laser up my nostrils and made me sit there for a minute. Not really sure of the purpose- but I wasn't exactly in the position to be asking questions (language and throat issues).
My kids in class were so well behaved yesterday. I told them that I couldn't talk loud and so they were so so quiet- they even talked to me in whispers! Very cute!
Oh, check out the time counter! 55 days...whoops...getting a little ahead of myself...65 days!