Friday, May 22, 2009

Language Learning

As of late, Blake and I have been learning Korean a little more seriously by taking Korean lessons. It has been a great experience so far and our teacher is so kind a patient and is a great model for our own teaching. I think it is important for a teacher to often place themselves in the position of learner so they can identify with their students’ struggles and frustrations at times. One of the things we are continually encouraged to do as language learners is to practice it out even if it means looking a little silly at times. I do look silly a lot, but I also love the challenge! I have also gained a great deal of respect recently for older Korean people who place themselves in the ‘silly’ position and try out a few English words they know. Respect is so important in Korean society so it takes an extra dose of humility for these older people to be vulnerable.

Blake shared a cute little story with me last night about an older Korean gentleman at his school and I liked it so much I thought I’d make it blog material.

At Blake’s school there is a janitor who always goes about his work ignoring the ‘English’ boys at the school. They’d give each other the odd nod and the occasional “안녕하세요” (hello), but not much beyond that. Anyways, Blake has been at this school for 9 months now and I guess this janitor has decided to learn a bit of English and try it out on Blake. He grabbed Blake’s arm a few days ago and said ‘strong!’ I guess Blake praised him enough that he studied up on a few more random words. Yesterday as Blake was leaving school for the day, the janitor stood at the door waving and said, ‘Good Morning!’ Blake saved the giggle for later, waved and said, ‘Goodnight!”

So not quite the right word, but he got the point across!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Timmy's Married

My "big brother" Timmy got married this past Saturday. These are the times when we are saddened to be so far away. Tim and Sarah, we love you and are so very happy for you! May God bless you as you grow in this new relationship!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy 3rd Anniversary Erin and Blake!

On the eve of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley's 3rd anniversary, we, Jordan and Jenn, thought it would be a timely occasion to acknowledge how dearly we treasure their friendship. Having spent the last 9 months with them, we've come to love them as family. Oh sure, you may think they're just so lovable, how could anyone not love them? Well, you'd be right.
B and E, we love you guys and wish you the most blessed and joyful anniversary yet!

I'd like to take a few minutes to reflect on the moments we have shared as friends here in Korea. From Costco dates to coffee dates, playing euchre to go-carting, we have a blast what ever it is. We've shared buses, trains, planes, subways, taxis, tuk-tuks, and hotel rooms. Jordan and Blake have proven their worthiness as husbands time and time again, saving the world from the arcade zombies in Gangnam station. Erin and I have learned far to well to rely on their leadership. This is well proven each time we travel without them and end up lost.
We have convicted and encouraged each other, and helped each other through times of homesickness and culture shock. In fact, I can only think of one important thing that we have yet to do in this foreign land - the infamous Noraebang! Lucky for Jordan and Blake, there's still time for the joyous occasion of Korean kareoke!

We'd like to now leave you with a few pictures we have of Erin and Blake. As we count down the last few months of our time here in Korea we just want to say how unique and memorable it has been to share this year in Korea with you.
B and E - Our friends, travel buddies, "non-life partners", and fellow expats; we pray that on this anniversary you will grow deeper in love with each other as well as your Saviour, Jesus Christ.