The pictures begin last summer before leaving Korea. Blake and I were celebrating with Jenn and Jord in this picture because we had just learned we were expecting. We miscarried shortly after and that seemed to be the beginning of a ton of changes to come.
We took holidays in August at Jenn and Jord's cottage in Canada and it was such a relaxing time for us to hang with good friends.

Blake celebrated another birthday.
We had some happy times with family. These are pictures with my family on the boat.
Sorry Chrissy, saw these photos and thought they were hilarious! :) For the record, he got quite good that day.
We went back to Korea intending to finish a few more months of teaching, but realized there had been some miscommunication with the visas and realized we'd have to commit to another year if we wanted to stay. Blake and I were increasingly feeling like our time in Korea was coming to a close and finally felt lead to return home to Canada. It was such a tough decision because Korea represented so much growth for us. We had just been getting plugged into an amazing church (which I can't find a picture of at the moment) and we just weren't feeling ready to give it up yet. We were also having to face the reality that we would be separated from our best friends for 6 months. The morning we left was so sad. We got up at 5am just to play our favourite game of euchre one last time. Jenn had recently found out that she was expecting as well so that was also so hard to leave during such a special phase of life! Here we are saying goodbye.

Getting on the airport bus.

So we landed with a thud on parents doorstep. They were gracious to accommodate us for a few months while we tried to figure out what we were doing and where we were going. We both found part-time work in Peterborough and tried to make the best of a fairly dry job market. We kept trying for work elsewhere, but doors seemed to continue to close and God didn't seem to be directing us in any particular direction for work or for a place to live. Blake and I had a lot of time together and we spent a lot of time with family. It was a beautiful fall.
The 3 boys and Bailey
Boys having fun. Joel looks so devious!
Bailey...the perfect subject.
For some reason my family has the hardest time getting a good family portrait.
Mom and Dad
Blake and I went on many walks with Bailey. This photo was taken right before she ran all the way home. Unfortunately this skiddish dog has a hard time breaking the routine of her walk around the neighbourhood circle.
Bailey likes to carry her own leash.
Trying again for a family portrait. Where did Blake go, Chris and Joel...why?
Dad closing eyes- Bailey not cooperating.
Blake and Chris' eyes closed
Finally a normal picture? Looks a little boring!
Bailey discovering that raspberries taste really good.
After what seemed like endless hours of research and talk, Blake finally got to act on his dream of buying his first car. I was just glad the talk about cars was over. Here he is with the brand new purchase.
I got to join the picture.
Being back home without consistent work had the perk of a lot more golf games for the guys which they thoroughly enjoyed.
Notice Blake's 'concentration' lips :)
In December Blake and I faced a whirlwind change when a dear friend thought of me who had connections to a school that needed a music teacher. Unfortunately in Ontario's dry teaching market it's all about connections! God opened the door for me to join the staff at Pickering Christian School and we moved down the road from the school to Ajax. It was an incredible opportunity and one that I thoroughly enjoyed! We also started hanging out with some old time friends (for me) who have become very dear new time friends. Steph and I became co-workers at school and then we started tagging along with them to Harvest Bible Chapel. This church has become such an incredible blessing to us and we have been growing so much through the ministries and relationships there. We were excited to rejoice with Jerry and Steph as they welcomed their bundle of joy Audrey Renata in June.

So jumping back a little to February...our dear friends Jenn and Jord returned home to Canada. Felt like an eternity! We have been so happy to have them back and the good times have resumed! Jenn and I got to be pregnant together for a few months. And yes...I think I forgot to mention the fact that Blake and I are expecting the middle of August. :)
Jenn and Jord eagerly awaited the birth of 'Nemo' who arrived in May.

I was convinced Nemo was a boy, but was shocked to learn that Nemo was actually Naomi!

Sleepy daddy!

Uncle Bluck holding Naomi

Blake and I have joined a church plant from Harvest that will be coming to the Durham region in September. We've been developing relationships and really thriving. This church is growing like crazy already- in new recruits and from all the babies. Unfortunately I don't have pictures of the guys right now. This was at a triple baby shower for some of the moms.

So this brings us to the present. I'm currently trying to find things to fill my time as I await the arrival of our 'Peanut.' Hence, the update and finally getting pictures in order! :) Here are some maternity shots Blake and I recently had done with a friend from Harvest York region.
So that's it for now. Thanks for reading if you're still with me! :)