Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bunny Chopsticks

Blake here...

Erin thought it would be really hilarious to include a picture of our new "bunny" chopsticks that Gavin got for us. This particular model is used to train little kids how to use chopsticks properly.

Do you think he's trying to say something??


Jerry said...

Oh wow, those are awesome! They need to mass market those here so we can wean the North American population off those abominations we call knives and forks...

Dennis and Valerie said...

Oh, those are too cute. Nice of Gavin to go for the blue for Blake. Although Blake could probably pull off the pink one with style.

Do you have a crock pot? I've made bread in the crock pot before and it is quite good, although round of course.

andrew said...

It's so good to be able to follow what's going on with you guys. It certainly sounds wild!

The Bradley's said...

Hey Jerry...maybe you should start up a business and try to market them!

Val...we don't have a crock pot and I don't recall seeing any when we went to E-mart, just a billion different models of rice cookers ;) Thanks for the tip though and I'll definitely keep my eye out for a crock pot.

Drew...Thanks for reading! How come you don't post anymore? I miss reading your updates!

Anonymous said...

Hey you two!

I catch your blog every week and a half or so, so I get to visit with you longer. I definately miss seeing you guys, but I'm loving the Korean experience through your eyes.

Love you guys,

Shauna and Lee