I've had a few requests for the consequences of my mistake regarding the boy who was absent the other day. For those who missed the beginning of the story click
CheeWon came into class -moving quite slow. They other 11 year old boys (who are quite hilarious I must add) were walking behind him giggling because of their privileged information thanks to their horrible teacher. I gave them the most evil teacher eye I could muster and they caught my drift and shut their mouths for a few minutes.
I began checking the kids homework and this is the time where I spend some one on one time with each student and ask them some personal questions. How are you, how was your week, etc... When CheeWon's turn came, I thought I'd be safer sticking with, 'how was your week?' To this he responded, 'horrible!' At this point I would normally respond with a 'why,' but I clearly did not want to go there today. Instead I asked him in reference to his week, 'is IT going to get better?' He clearly thought 'it' was in reference to something else as he looked at me with a horrified expression and said, 'you know???'
Stifled laughter is occuring now in the room. Fumbling, I quickly responded with a, 'your week CheeWon, is your week going to get better?!' Feeling assured that I was uninformed about his 'week,' he contentedly returned to his seat to wait for the lesson.
Ironically enough, the material for the class was focused on surgeries and medicine. My job is to encourage the kids to talk and connect their own experiences with the material, so they were supposed to share about times they've had an operation or been to the hospital. Clearly not the direction I wanted to take this day.
The boys are continuing to find the situation hilarious and so I steered the conversation more towards the girls and filled the empty spaces with blabberings of my tonsils being removed and my ankle getting fixed. Very stressful trying to divert attention!
Then, after all my effort to gloss over the awkward situation, CheeWon raises his hand and says that he just had surgery on a place very important to a boy. The room then explodes in laughter and then the stress was gone- the word was out! Everyone knew because HE had shared the information. (wink wink)
I didn't have the heart to tell him everyone already knew.