Lunar New Year is a huge celebration in Asian countries. Many schools shut down for a week so people can travel to be with their families. Our school graciously closed for a day so Blake and I could play. We decided to go skiing way up in the North.
Now I have a bit of a confession to make...I had never been skiing before. I've tried snowboarding, but never skiing. What true Canadian can say they learned how to ski in South Korea?! I'm a total fake!

Anyways...Blake and I got up at the insanely early hour of 3:30 to get on a tour bus that took us to a place that had snow. We rented gear for an insanely cheap price- Blake was mostly excited about the camo snowpants. The mountain we went to is called YongPyong Ski Resort. Because most English teachers in Korea have time off, the mountain was full of white faces and we could hear lots of English around us. I think we're going to have a hard time coming home and hearing so much English because it was a little bit of an overload that day. In some ways, it's kindof nice to not be able to understand the nonsense some people talk about. :)

1 comment:
Those camo snowpants are sweet!
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