When Blake and I first came to Korea, I thought I'd never be able to tell the difference between individual Koreans. They all looked so similar to me! (We are quite capable of telling people apart now!) I have often been told that the reverse is true for Koreans when looking at white people. Blake and I have giggled on numerous occasions when we were told that we look like brother and sister or that we look like so-and-so. Recently, we've had a bunch of Koreans tell Jordan that he looks like Tom Cruise and Blake that he looks like Matt Damon and Wayne Rooney. We laughed it off the first few times, but I decided to try to compare the similarities today. I was actually pretty surprised! Judge for yourself...I'm thinking the Koreans aren't so crazy after all!
Here's Jordo and Tom Cruise

Here's Blake and Matt Damon
Well well, my brother from another mother, eh? It's nice to know there are other men out there sharing my genetic beauty. Maybe we could hook you up as my double in MI 4. Cheers!
Wow!! Tom Cruise reads our blog?!
Lol this post cracked me up..
And btw, Tom Cruise isn't Canadian, so he wouldn't have said 'eh' at the end of his sentence, eh?
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