This morning I've been trying to catch up on the status of this bird flu epidemic and can't help but giggle at the sometimes hilarious thinking in Korea.
Basically, there have been a few cases of bird flu and they have started to slaughter up to a million birds in an attempt to get rid of the disease. People are no longer eating chicken. The one article I read has told people that eating kimchie (that's the red pepper fermented cabbage that Koreans eat with EVERYTHING) may prevent you from getting the disease. Now they do qualify this by saying that it is far from scientifically proven, but it seems that the public doesn't remember or need that part in order to run with the idea that kimchie can cure anything. They love an excuse to tell the world about the miracle powers of their beloved kimchie! People are stocking up on kimchie now at record rates. One stat said that on average, each Korean will eat 40 lbs of kimchie annually.
This kimchie is the same food that the Koreans claim prevented them from getting the SARS virus. The kids vehemently defend this fact, yet can't quite articulate why it's is true. They don't think it's been proven scientifically, but how else can you explain why no Koreans got the SARS virus when the rest of the world was hard hit?! Duh- it's the kimchie! :)
After being here for a year...I still can't quite bring myself to eat it raw. I love it cooked on the bbq, but raw is still a little much for me. One thing I don't think I will ever get over is old men with kimchie breath! That's a shock for the senses!

Mmmm... kimchi... :D
You should make a visit over here. I don't recall ever seeing kimchie back home- not that I was looking for it or even really knew what it was at that point, but you can have your fill here! Served even at breakfast! mmmmm
I protest! You can get kimchi here!!!!!!!!! I've had it like 5 times!!!!! I'm starting to develop a taste for it!!!!!
P.S. Do visit. I'll be around too.
No one said you couldn't get kimchie back home. I simply said I didn't see it- or even know what it was at that point. I don't doubt that every Korean immigrant could hook you up with it as it's a staple! Good for you for trying it out beforehand. Looks like you're set to go!
Haha, sorry I got a little excited. My apologies.
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