I think it's hard to sometimes appreciate how attached we've become to one another until we're separated. I know it sounds a little cheesy, but I don't feel quite right without him by my side. These past few years haven't been without their share of struggles as these two imperfect people attempted to make marriage work. I look back on some of these pictures here and laugh at our naivety- not knowing all the things we would have to fumble our way through- sometimes succeeding and sometimes failing miserably. Marriage has been good. Sometimes hard, but good. I knew we were different when we got married, but marriage really seemed to magnify how different were really were! Some days I think that I could have a much loftier vision of myself i it weren't for Blake. I wonder if part of the purpose of marriage is to keep you humble and aware of who you really are.
Blake and I went on a coffee date yesterday to do some reflecting about where we're at and where we're going. One of the things we discussed was how this year in Korea has been so beneficial for us as a couple. We've been stretched, pulled, and placed in many rather uncomfortable circumstances, but these situations have forced us to rely on each other more than we ever had to before.
Thank you to those who have supported and encouraged us as we walk this road together. God has provided us with many beautiful examples of godly marriages. Please continue to pray for our marriage- that we would strive to put Jesus first and that we would love one another selflessly. I'm sure in the future we'll look back on this moment in time and again giggle at our naivety. We definitely haven't figured it all out, but we're a working progress by the grace of God.
Thank you for 2 years together! I love you very much!

This last picture is the one I have on my screen at school. I find it hilarious that the overwhelming majority of my students will look at it and the first thing they mention is concern about the possibility of getting hit by a train. I don't think it even crossed our minds!

Erin, you're the best wife I've ever had. ;)
I love you too!
Hilarious Blake. Just remember...I know where you sleep...and I just might take all the covers! ;)
This is a beautiful post Erin!!
Thanks Laura! Thanks for reading ;)
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